Jaffa Agency is a center of spiritual activity where powerful comic rays are reflected to all parts of the world through intense meditation. This further enforced by the individual meditation of the hundred of the adept of the inner Temple of master SRI LORD JAFFA, and the students of the FREEDOM FORCE, (Asrama Moksa) The spiritual School whose aim is to teach the recondite knowledge God and the various technique of Meditation.
*The Agency is headed by His Divine living consciousness, Sri LORD JAFFA (UTTANANDA), founder of illuminate path as well as FREEDOM FORCE (ASRAMA MOKSA) the-New Age Religion. He is an adept of theRenounciate- the Order of M.O.R (Vairagya) with headquarters in Satya Loka.
Indeed, life is much difficult when one does not have a godparent or a spiritual guide or helper or protector to help one. Figh though the life
There are many out there who need help that out of reach beyond the reach of an ordinary human being,no matter -how powerful or difficulty and these people must get that needed help. This is where JAFFA AGENCY stands out unique.
*Being an international organization, fully registered with both the federal and State Government and known the world over. JAFFA AGENCY offers a comprehensive range of spiritual services and products to help ease the troubles of the life.
*Among other things: the Agency provides spiritual backing and”counseling and acts as an amour with which to light one’s way through life.
*Within its range of spiritual products and services can be found the followings:
* Genome mystic seals, talismans, Charms magic necklaces, bangles, wristwatches and pens; money saving purse, energy belt, colored candles, magic mirrors and incenses; rings for success, good luck and protection etc, for the various purposes mentioned above.

THE Trado-medical clinic department of JAFFA AGENCY also has a very wide variety of herbal cures for any physical or mental problem, internal or external. The medicinal herbs come in airtight, sachets in powder form or in liquid containers.
Among these are herbs for tallness and growth, herbs for eight loosing for pregnancy, for easy childbirth, for remedy of infertility both male and female, for boosting the brain and health tea as well as all-purpose herbs.
Others are for treatment of or diabetes, asthma, tuberculosis, venereal disease, ulcer, rashes, pimples, Yellow fevers, worms, bedwetting, epilepsy and high blood pressure, candiditis, rheumatism and more and more. Please request for our membership form
JAFFA AGENCY also operates a spiritual school known as the Illuminated path Society open to all, male and female, who wish to be members.
Each member is entitled to a beautiful I. D. card endorsed with his membership number. He will receive monthly lessons and training to build him up and fortify him spiritually and materially. He will also participate at the weekly or monthly lectures, initiation and fraternal meditation that move mountains these will enable him overcome difficulties of life, protects, and help him achieve his desired goals.
Members also get 10% discount on all our products ordered. He will as well receive monthly newsletter in which the master and other members answer most questions asked by members alongside published topics written by the master and other members
The services and benefits of JAFFA AGENCY are too numerous that we are unable to list them all here. Our catalog is free of charge please read line by line page to page download and pass to other person. Please include a stamped self – addressed envelope when requesting for one by post